Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog post #3

Bounce by Natasha Friend
"Kids." My father slides his arm around her shoulders and squeezes. "We have an annoncement." They move closer to each other. Closer. Closer. "Blah, blah, blah. We wanted to make absolutly sure. Blah, blah blah." Swear is soaking through the fabric onto her scalp."Before we told anyone. Blah. Blah. Blah. But we went to the the doctor this morning. Blah, blah, blah blah, and we're pregnant!"...... I grabbed some twenties from Jules's purse and left.
-I cant imagine how hard this must be on Evyn. She had to move away from all of her friends and move in with her step mother, and now her father and Jules are having a baby. One of the worst things about the situation Evyn is in, is that happened quiet rappidly. It was as if one week Jules was introduced to Evyn, next they were engaged, and then moving intogether. I would feel so over whelmed that i most like do something drastic like run away from home. I think that Evyn's father is a little selfish, considering he's been making every decision thats best for him and not his family as a whole. Although I understand that Evyn's father needs to move on after his wife's death, I think he just needs to show some sympathy for Evyn. Or maybe the love in the relationship between Evyn's father and Jules happened so fast that Evyn's father made decissions too quickly and now realizes the effect it has on Evyn. After Evyn runs away i think that Evyn's father will reflect on these events that occur and hopefully will be able to understand Evyn's emotions.

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