Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Breaking Dawn post #6

Recently in Breaking Dawn, Jacob has informed Bella's father about their secrets. Jacob showed Charlie his true form which is a werewolf. Jacob didn't tell Charlie more than he needed to know about Bella and Edward. Although Bella was still furious with the fact that Jacob just went ahead and told her father, which he had no right to do. And now Charlie is coming to see Bella for the very first time since she has changed to a vampire. Alice gives her color eyed contacts to bring down the redness in her eyes. The Cullen's and Bella are still worried about the visit considering Bella is a new born and no one knows if she will be able to control her self around human blood. Bella keeps thinking that she won't hurt him and hopes she can stay in control. Edward and Bella finalize a plan to explain to Charlie about Renesmee. They decide to tell him they adopted her from Edwards cousins who recently passed. When Charlie comes to visit, he almost didn't recognize Bella. He asks Bella to not tell him more than he needed to know. Then when they show him Renesmee, he is suprised by how big she is. When Edward and Bella tell him she's adopted he trys to make sense of it but Renesmee resembles both Bella and Edward to much for this to be true. Through out Bella and Charlies talk she stays completly in control. When he leaves, the Cullens are shocked and pleased with Bellas performance. All seems to fall together in the Cullen household except for the worry of Renesmee's drastic speed of growth.

1 comment:

Teacher: Mrs. Jarrett said...

6 thorough posts, although posts contain too much summary. Overall, well done! 48/50.