Sunday, February 22, 2009


Newton, Alicia. "Early Seasons." Nature Reports. 29 Jan. 09. 23 Feb. 09

Climate change is any long-term significant change in the expected patterns of average weather of a specific region over a significant time period or, more relevantly to contemporary socio-political concerns, of the Earth as a whole. Climate change is the result in many things including, the process of the Earth itself, outside forces such as sunlight intensity and the greenhouse gas concentration, and newly found that it can also be by human activities. Scientiests say that this is related to an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Glaciers also play a big role in climate change, as well as ocean variability, and live stock which more specifictly is a cause of the green house gas. Spring is arriving sooner that it did nearly fifty years ago.Scientists from the University of California at Berkeley have reconstructed seasonal cycles in world temperature zones in the last century. They found that all four seasons have shifted forward by an average of 1.7 days between 1954-2007. In this time period, the temperature difference between summer and winter was about six percent over land due to warming winters. These changes are much larger thand those observed from 1900-1953. This leads scientists to belive its due to human influence and not natural causes alone to cause these changes. Researches also found that the migration of birds and such are happening earlier, with the spring migrations. Which means these plants and animals are effecting the changing climate as well.

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