Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Im at the point in New Moon where i literally can NOT stop reading. I've officially been yelled at, atleast 1o times by my mom to stop reading and get my homework done. Also, I think that all 300 pages with very little excitement is totally worth it now. As you know from my previous blog, Alice has made a visit to the Swan household after seeing in a vision;Bella jumping off a cliff to her death and drowning. What she didn't know was that Jacob Black saved he due to the fact that Alice cant see werewolves in her visions. When Bella arrives home she see's Alice in her living room and is overwhelmingly excited to see her. Alice immediatly notices her lifelessness even behind her eager eyes. Bella explains the incident to Alice which makes her very upset. Alice explains that her and Edwards sister, Rosalie told Edward about Alice's vision and lead him to extreme depression which led him to leave his family, deserted. Bella then hears a knock on the door. It's Jacob Black. With extreme tension with a werewolf and a vampire in the room, Alice leaves for a moment. As Bella explains the situation to Jacob, and that she needs to see Edward to explain it all to him, Bella's house phone rings. Jacob answers, the person on the other line asks to speak to Bella's father and Jacob explains that he is at a funeral. When Bella asked who it was Jacob told her that they hung up after he responded. Bella walks into the other room where Alice is. Alice sits staring at the wall blankly. She gasps for air after her vision is over. Alice saw a vision with Edward going to the Vultura. Alice explains that the Voltura is basically a vampire kingdom, in which they have been a live for thousands and thousands of centuries living amongst mortals. Edwards plan is to go to the Voltura and explain to them what has happened, and ask for them to kill him. Alice explains that they must go on a plane immediately, because the only thing that will stop him from commiting suicide is Bella. At this point, Bella is totally confused, considering he didnt love her anymore and that he left her. Alice repeatedly says that Bella has know idea. While Alice calls the airport for a plane to Italy, Bella explains to Jacob where she must go and why. "Jacob’s furious voice was suddenly in my ear, hissing out a stream of profanities. I felt a vague disapproval. His new friends were clearly a bad influence."(Chapter 18, p.414)
Jacob was furious with this idea of Bella going any where near the "Bloodsuckers." This is just something he's going to have to live with. Bella leaves a note for her father, Charlie. Explaining that there was an emergency and that he can ground her later.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Are they going to be there in time for Edward!!? This is absolutly KILLING ME! I understand now that Edward was in love with Bella all along, and my hate for him as vanished. Although Bella does not realize that. She's terribly confused and shocked and somewhat angry. Except, she loves Edward, more then anything in the whole world.. no thats not enough to explain her feelings for him... loves him more then eternity, life itself is lifeless with out him. On the plane ride to Italy, Alice focuses on her visions and watches Edward, seeing different visions continuosly because Edward keeps changing his mind. Bella begins to think to herself that, "Maybe, if I were very, very, very lucky, I would somehow be able to save Edward. But I wasn’t so stupid as to think that saving him would mean that I could stay with him. I was no different, no more special than I’d been before. There would be no new reason for him to want me now. Seeing him and losing him again… I fought back against the pain. This was the price I had to pay to save his life. I would pay it."(Chapter 19, p.432) I can't even imagine the kind of worryness and pain this must be causing her. The lover of her life is about to commit suicide. Although It''s strange that Bella rarely thinks about the dangers surrounding Edward. I mean he's going to be surrounded by hundreds of vampires, half of whom are thirsty as all get out. Alice then see's in a vision, a plan that Edward has formed. It's a plan to go out in the middle of the land in front of the sun and reveal his sparkling skin that will show he is a vampire. If doing this he knows that the king of Voltura will be very angry due to the one vampire rule, which is that no mortal may find out about them being vampires, or else they must be killed. If Edward reveals himself during this one parade, then the vampires will have to kill all of the mortals. They would be furiosus and rip Edward to shreds. This frightens both of them out of their mind. ALice explains to Bella that Edward must see Bella before he see's Alice because he will realize that she's going to try and stop him.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
“Speaking of which, would you like to explain to me how you’re alive?” –Alice CullenThat brought me up short and stopped the sobs. I realized what must have happened immediately, and why Alice was here. I swallowed loudly. “You saw me fall.”“No,” she disagreed, her eyes narrowing. “I saw you jump.” ****Her [Alice’s] voice was strained. “I saw you go into the water and I waited and waited for you to come up, but you didn’t What happened? And how could you do that to Charlie? Did you stop to think what this would do to him? And my brother? Do you have any idea what Edward—“ I cut her off then, as soon as she said his name. I’d let her go on, even after I realized the misunderstanding she was under, just to hear the perfect bell tone of her voice. But it was time to interrupt. “Alice, I wasn’t committing suicide.”
To bellas suprise, after her jumping off the cliff incident, Bella finds Alice in her house sitting on her couch in the living room. Alice Cullen, having the ability to see the future by her visions, had seen Bella jumping from a cliff and drowning. Although this was true, jacob ended up saving her. In the quote above i realized that Bella didnt even think of the possibility that he still might care for her. She didnt even consider the other reasons why he left. Maybe Bella was so worked up about not being with him that she didnt even consider the other reasons, she was too focused on her pain. Or maybe she knew that there were other possibile ways of why he left.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Moon

New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
After pages and pages that seemed almost endless, I managed to keep on reading. Stephanie Meyer writes about the daily things that Bella does. Which mostly consists of going to jack blacks, doing dangerous stunts, school and nightmares. (In that order) Bella's once clumsy and non adventurous side has seemed to vanish ever since she realised that when ever she was at any sort of risk of trouble she would hear Edwards voice. Bella thinks she's just about lost it when she first heard Edwards voice. When she first heard this voice, she felt almost satisfied. Although the voice sounds so real and so pure that it makes her empty heart feel whole again. Bella's emptiness seems to be killing her. Even though she's able to be happy again, now that she's hanging around Jack, it seems she still needs that one thing to be her true self. Is Bella just self conscious about finding out who she really is? or is she just so dependent on someone else? or maybe it's because their meant to be in such a way that the only future they have is to be together and that Bella knows that deep down and her attempts to moving on from Edward are simply pointless. Bella even attempts dangerous stunts, such as motorcycling with Jacob, talking to vampires and cliff diving just to have a sense of knowing that she hasn't lost a part of her. Bella's last stunt finally turned Stephanie Meyer's book to the true excitement that I live to read. When Bella decides to go cliff diving by herself, it just so happens that Victoria (vampire from Twilight.... Edward killed her "boyfriend"...trying to get revenge on Bella... "mate for a mate.") is in the water following Bella's sent. Reluctantly, Jack saves her after she nearly drowned by the heavy current. After she nearly gives the whole town a heart attack, she goes home to find a black Mercedes Benz parked in her drive way. With out a doubt she knew seven different possibilities of who may be in the house, one of the Cullen's. Bella finds Alice sitting on her couch. Alice seems to very confused to see Bella, she tells her that she thought that she had died after jumping off the cliff. Alice explains that she saw a vision of Bella jumping off and drowning to death. Although Alice can see the future, her visions can change due to other people's decision making.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Two Sources

Research question:
Do the benefits of school uniforms out weigh the loss of individual expression?
Light, Murray. "Pros and Cons for School Uniforms." Buffalo News Sept 2007:H-3. SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. Edina High School. 16 Sept. 2007.
Murray Light discusses the pros and cons of having a school uniform policy. Studies show that parents seem to live the idea of school uniform's while kids simply don't. Parents seem to enjoy the idea of uniforms because it it s eliminates clothing arguments and the it equalizes the students by appearance, meaning that the kid who can't afford the latest fashion isn't being displayed. School officials even say that uniforms promote safety because intruder's will be more noticeable. Light also refers to a poll in long beach that recorded a drop of 90 percent in school suspension and a 96 percent reduction in sex offenses, after being required to wear uniforms. Although the expenses of these uniform's are quite crucial. In Elizabeth, NJ, school district spent 2 million on school uniform's. The district will be paying for the first school uniform but after the parents must pay for additional uniforms. Murray Light writes, "I have no problem with school uniforms but I definitely feel that the funding for the uniforms should come from community efforts and not from already hard-pressed school budgets." which is displaying her personal opinion on uniforms.
Park, Madison. "School Uniforms Poll Bares Generation Gap: Most Teachers, Parents Like Idea; Students Say No." McClatchy Newspapers Dec 2007:.SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. Edina High School. 23 Dec 2007
Madison Park discusses recent polls that students are strongly against school uniform's while parents seem to be more for them. Park refers to a Senior at a Militon highschool in Bell-Air saying "If a school system starts at clothes, where does it end?" and students agreed. School have chosen to not have mandatory uniforms because "they lack educational value and suppress individual expression." Some parents of Bell-Air students stress that there are much more important issues to be worrying about then school uniforms. A study states that school uniforms are a "superficial change" but they actually attract attention. Others argue that uniforms would reduce clothing costs for parents and cut down on social distractions for students. More extensive researchers on the topic say that they have more information to prove that uniforms have more effect on the social interactions than the proof that uniforms improve safety or learning experiences.
Walsh, Mark. "U.S. Appeals Court Backs District's Rules on School Uniforms." Education Week 27.38 (May 21, 2008): 8. Educator's Reference Complete. Gale. Edina High School Library. 8 Dec. 2008 http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS.
In the article, Mark Walsh discusses a court case in San Francisco involving the policy of school uniforms for 310,000 students in the Clark county school district. The U.S. court was challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada on behalf of students. One of the students that was included was readily suspended from school for wearing a religious message on her clothing.The U.S. court of appeals favored school uniforms and said that school uniforms "do not violate the First Amendment." The court also explains that they have reason to believe that only one form of student expression and leave open many channels for communication. Also due to evaluations of the students by the teachers, show that uniform's promote a better environment for students to learn. Bill Hoffman, from the general counsel for Clark County, said that fifty of the 312 schools have required school uniform policies.

Melton, Kimberly "School Uniforms Seen as Good Fit."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
pg 292

Stephanie Meyer writes, "Well there are lots of legends, some of them clainming to date back to the flood-supposodly the ancient Quileutes tied their canoes to the tops of the tallest trees on the mountain to survive, like Noah and the ark." He smiled then, to show me how little stock he put in the histories."Another legend claims that we descended from wolves-and that the wolves are our brothers still. It's against tribal law to kill them."Then are storis about the cold ones." His voice dropped a little lower. According to legend my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off our land." Jacob rolled his eyes.
In this passage, Bella is reflecting back, when Jacob told her a tribal story. As we know, Edward is a vampire. Only untill now, stephanie has the readers think deeper into this passage after Bella notices that Jacob is acting strange. In the story," Another legend claims that we descended from wolves- and that the wolves are our brothers still." Bella realizes werewolves are just as real as vampires in the legend. After realizing this, everything clicks in Bellas head. She realizes that Jacob is a werewolve.
The treaty that was made makes sure that the "cold ones" stay off of the land in La Push, where Jacob and his tribe lives. Also it states that the werewolves are not aloud to hunt for the "cold ones" on the land in Forks, which Bella and the Cullens live. Bella copes with her break up from Edward by hanging around Jacob. For some reason Bella feels comfort with him and a certain kind of shrill. Maybe its becuase she feels some kind of revenge because of the werewolves and the cold ones hate for eachother. Considering that it obviously would bother Edward if she was with the werewolves. Even when she didnt know about Jacob being a werewolve, she could always tell that their was some kind of tension between Jacob and his tribe and the Cullens. After Edward and Bella's break up, Bella seraces for any kind of dancer.When ever Bella is in real danger, Edwards voice shows up in her mind to guide her the way from danger. She says that it's the only thing that makes her feel whole again. I begin to question Bella's intentions with him after her need to be around him. Maybe the reason for this is because of some reason that bella is attracted by some force for immortals. And maybe immortals are just as attracted to her with some force as she is. Jacob and Edward seemed to always want to be with Bella due to something deeper then her physical appearance. It may be something in her blood or maybe her true destiny from birth was to be surrounded by these immortals. Maybe her destiny was to be with Edward.