Wednesday, December 3, 2008


New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
pg 292

Stephanie Meyer writes, "Well there are lots of legends, some of them clainming to date back to the flood-supposodly the ancient Quileutes tied their canoes to the tops of the tallest trees on the mountain to survive, like Noah and the ark." He smiled then, to show me how little stock he put in the histories."Another legend claims that we descended from wolves-and that the wolves are our brothers still. It's against tribal law to kill them."Then are storis about the cold ones." His voice dropped a little lower. According to legend my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off our land." Jacob rolled his eyes.
In this passage, Bella is reflecting back, when Jacob told her a tribal story. As we know, Edward is a vampire. Only untill now, stephanie has the readers think deeper into this passage after Bella notices that Jacob is acting strange. In the story," Another legend claims that we descended from wolves- and that the wolves are our brothers still." Bella realizes werewolves are just as real as vampires in the legend. After realizing this, everything clicks in Bellas head. She realizes that Jacob is a werewolve.
The treaty that was made makes sure that the "cold ones" stay off of the land in La Push, where Jacob and his tribe lives. Also it states that the werewolves are not aloud to hunt for the "cold ones" on the land in Forks, which Bella and the Cullens live. Bella copes with her break up from Edward by hanging around Jacob. For some reason Bella feels comfort with him and a certain kind of shrill. Maybe its becuase she feels some kind of revenge because of the werewolves and the cold ones hate for eachother. Considering that it obviously would bother Edward if she was with the werewolves. Even when she didnt know about Jacob being a werewolve, she could always tell that their was some kind of tension between Jacob and his tribe and the Cullens. After Edward and Bella's break up, Bella seraces for any kind of dancer.When ever Bella is in real danger, Edwards voice shows up in her mind to guide her the way from danger. She says that it's the only thing that makes her feel whole again. I begin to question Bella's intentions with him after her need to be around him. Maybe the reason for this is because of some reason that bella is attracted by some force for immortals. And maybe immortals are just as attracted to her with some force as she is. Jacob and Edward seemed to always want to be with Bella due to something deeper then her physical appearance. It may be something in her blood or maybe her true destiny from birth was to be surrounded by these immortals. Maybe her destiny was to be with Edward.

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